Time infinite

Time infinite

Saturday, 21 March 2015


Once someone leaves an abusive relationship, how does that person promote positive self-esteem?  Self-esteem is usually very damaged due to domestic abuse and it is vital that victims find their way back to a position of emotional security.

Counseling can be very helpful, as can programmes which are designed to help victims understand what domestic abuse is.  A further helpful method to improve self-esteem is to practice positive affirmations.  These sound complicated but they are not.  It is simply the things you think about yourself.  In other words, positive affirmations are active thoughts about yourself that support your psyche.  The way we think, creates the way we feel.  Following an abusive relationship, many of our thoughts about ourselves may be quite negative.  Positive affirmations change this.

It helps if positive affirmations are short and easy to remember.  For example:

I am happy
I am intelligent
I am beautiful
I am kind
I am organised
I am a good mother

It also helps if the affirmations are meaningful.  If the abuser generally ridiculed your looks or your intellect or you mothering skills then positive affirmations that focus on these areas will be most beneficial.

It can be helpful to have just a few affirmations to begin with and focus on repeating these a number of times a day.  If possible repeat them out loud.  It is helpful to choose a time of day where you will remember to say the affirmations.  For example, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and during your lunch.

Over time, positive affirmations do help to improve the way your see yourself.  This is the case for all people, one does not have to be a victim of abuse to benefit from positive affirmations.


The Renegade Glitter Fairy 

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